I have over 20 years of experience as an advisor, coach and therapist for various clients (see below). I support people with development issues (life phase, career development and -rounding) and with work-related problems, such as burnout, (failure) anxiety, panic attacks, assertiveness/aggressivity and labour conflicts. I am also involved in the design and implementation of Management Development processes, team development and assessments for determining managerial potential. I also assist private clients. This is regularly done by referral from a general practitioner, company doctor or specialist.
"To reflect on my performance with the balance between work and private life as the main point of attention, I had coaching conversations with Peter Suijker. These conversations were a valuable addition to my personal development. His empathic, calm and open attitude ensured that the conversations were pleasant and very useful" (A.B.)
"Peter makes the connection between the 'hard' professional side and the 'soft' personal side" (prof. dr. T.N.).
"The female career programme gave me some new ideas and insights about my career plans that I wanted to develop further. Peter turned out to be the ideal career coach to help me with this. He is well informed about the state of affairs and within a few conversations he knows how to disassemble the main side issues. With concrete advice I could go on perfectly well" (Dr. L.R., UHD).
"Unfortunate communication with a trainer or a staff member can lead to a tense relationship. In this situation, guidance by a competent coach is of great importance. By his listening ear, good analytical skills and especially by positioning himself at equal distance from all parties, Peter Suijker ensured in my case that the necessary trust was built up. My problem was finally solved through conversations in a safe climate. I experienced Peter as a professional, goal-oriented and pleasant discussion partner. Of course I would recommend him directly as a coach" (O.M. AIOS)
"Peter gave me a pleasant and professional insight into my own thinking and acting. This way I was able to develop a strategy for my further career" (Prof. Dr. R.W.).
"Conversations with Peter bring you to the heart of the matter and the heart of yourself. This allows you to make well-considered choices" (prof. dr. I.M)
"Peter knows how to put you in your own power and make sure that you keep control and remain authentic, no matter how politically or emotionally complex something is. He listens without prejudice and asks the questions that teach you to look at yourself and can change" (H.S.)
"Peter Suijker teaches me not to think up practical solutions immediately but to look for deeper backgrounds, and also to approach problems from my own strength and conviction. By going to the core of the problem and the accompanying emotions, I can now perform my own role in a natural feeling way. I experience his guidance as very valuable" (M.M.)
"My trajectory with Peter started with the goal of looking for a way to perform more efficiently and better in work, but in the end it has become much more than this. A journey to myself with as a result much more knowledge about where I come from and where I want to go" (Dr. A.M.)
"With Peter I immediately felt at ease. Before I noticed it our conversation had gone from where I lived in how I was put together. In two sessions I understood what I could improve, how I could do that and I had taken steps in practice. Since then, as a psychologist, I have also referred my patients to Peter, and I always hear the same good experiences. I therefore warmly recommend Peter! (S.R.)
Academic medical centres and hospitals Erasmus MC, VUMC Amsterdam, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Reinier de Graaf, Maasstad Ziekenhuis, St. Fransiscus Rotterdam, Maxima Medisch Centrum, Mohs Klinieken
Universities Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam, TU Delft, Rotterdam School of Management, Technische Hogescholen Ghana, Instituut Beleid Management Gezondheidszorg
Knowledge innovation ID Lelystad, Applied Biosystems, Stichting Leerplanontwikkeling, Bioway, Biohorma, Shell Research
Social care and welfare Pameijer, Aafje Thuiszorg/Huizen/Zorghotels, Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg, Ipse De Bruggen, ‘s Heerenloo Zorgcentrum, Mentrum, Arkin, NIZW, Twentse Zorgcentra, Stichting OOK, Fydee Fysiotherapie, Middin
Energy BP Europa - BP Nederland, Total, Unocal, ExxonMobil, Texaco, Castrol, Esso, Shell, Energiebedrijf Amsterdam, Mega Limburg, Energis
Business services NRC Handelsblad, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, DeltaLloyd, Achmea, AON, ABNAMRO, Van Wijk en Gorsira notarissen, De Voort Hermes De Bont Advocaten, Van de Geijn Partners, Rijnconsult, GIB beroeps- en studiekeuze, Grabovsky en Poort ingenieurs, Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam, Total Design, Euroforum, Opportunity in bedrijf, RIBW, Surf, WAVA Werkvoorziening, RWA Amersfoort, Arbeidsvoorziening Nederland, Stichting Kindercentra Soest, V&D
Government Gemeente Rheden, Gemeente Duiven, Gemeente Rotterdam, Gemeente Capelle aan den IJssel, Gemeente Sittard-Geleen, gemeente Brielle, Gemeente Den Haag, Gemeente Overbetuwe, Gemeente Den Helder, Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Rotterdam, Provincie Limburg, Provincie Drenthe, Provincie Flevoland, ministerie van VROM, Ministerie van Justitie/Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen, ministerie van Defensie, Waterschap Amstel Gooi en Vecht, Waterschap Rijnland, CVO Scholengemeenschap Hoogeveen, CDA
industry, construction and housing Cacao de Zaan, Mebin, Hendriks Bouw, Stichting Wonen Roermond, Van Besouw
Alliance- and administrative organisations Landelijke Vereniging van Wereldwinkels, Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers, CNV Dienstenbond, Landelijk Bureau Inning Onderhoudsbijdragen, Nederlands Instituut voor Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling en Verkeer, Verbond van Verzekeraars, DCO Onderwijsbureau Ede, Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven
Logistics and transport Nooteboom Trailers, Peek Traffic, ANWB, ALD Leasing, Iron Mountain.
Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Management consultancy, Free University Amsterdam
Integrative psychotherapy, Dutch Academy for Psychotherapy